Shawe Rosenthal Labor and Employment Law Conference – October 4, 2019

 In Events

Shawe Rosenthal LLP invites you to attend our client conference on Friday, October 4, 2019 at the beautiful Oriole Park at Camden Yards. Our sessions will cover a variety of labor and employment issues relevant to your workplace, including:

  • Exploring Wage and Hour Law at the Federal and State Level. We will provide an update on a multitude of recent developments at the Department of Labor including its reconsideration of overtime regulations, proposed revision of the regular rate regulations, resumption of opinion letters, conflicting opinions on tip credit regulations, joint employer issues, and independent contractor issues. We will also cover state and local developments, including minimum wage and local fair scheduling laws.
  • Marijuana and Opioids at Work. Laws regarding the medical and recreational use of marijuana are changing on an almost daily basis. Keeping abreast of these developments is critical to avoiding liability in the workplace.  We will cover the topics that employers need to know about legalized marijuana, from the impact of state laws on the reasonable accommodation process to practical considerations such as drug testing. As marijuana laws will continue to evolve, you will have the tools to discern how developments in the law should impact your personnel policies.
  • #MeToo Developments: Pay Equity, Salary History Bans, Mentoring, and More. Although it has been almost two years since the #MeToo Movement began at the end of 2017, the ripple effects have continued to impact employers. The response to the movement has been an increase in legislation and regulatory focus on gender-related disparities in the workplace, particularly with respect to sexual harassment and pay equity. We will discuss these developments and how you can ensure compliance with laws geared towards eradicating gender discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
  • A Headache for Employers: Sick Leave, ADA and FMLA. Paid sick leave laws are spreading contagiously at the state and local level, and each law contains varying requirements for employers. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to consider providing leave as a “reasonable accommodation” absent an undue hardship on the employer. The Family and Medical Leave Act, by contrast, is all about leave without regard to hardship. This session will provide guidance on leave issues under these various laws.
  • Compliance with New State Laws in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Expanded harassment laws, paid family and medical leave benefits, new leave rights and more – it has been a dynamic year at the state level. We will review recently enacted employment legislation from Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, and discuss legislative trends that may be coming to our area in the near future.
  • The NLRB in the Trump Administration. The Trump Board has aggressively rolled back many of the union and employee protections under the National Labor Relations Act instituted by the Obama Board. We will review the status of labor law issues applicable to both union and non-union employers including: employee conduct, work rules, joint employer issues, protected concerted activity, and union avoidance. 

We will begin with breakfast starting at 8:00 a.m. Friday morning, October 4, with presentations from 8:30 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. After the sessions, please join us for a cocktail reception and a tour of Oriole Park at Camden Yards, followed by a raffle (prizes include sports tickets, aquarium tickets, and a handbook review up to $2,500 value).

Continuing Credit

Our conference has been approved for SHRM 6.00 (HR (General)) recertification credit hours. Shawe Rosenthal LLP is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. In addition, this program has been approved by the HR Certification Institute for 6.00 HR (General) credits.


We are offering an early bird registration fee of $449 if you register before August 31, 2019. After that, the regular registration fee is $499. Registration includes sessions, seminar materials, breakfast, lunch, the tour of Oriole Park, and cocktail reception (hotel room charges are not included). In addition, attendees will also receive a complimentary copy of the 2019 Maryland Human Resources Manual, published by the Maryland Chamber of Commerce and edited by our firm, a $260.00 value.

To register: refer to the registration pdf, or contact us at [email protected].